Proyectos de investigación
Fondos concursables
Co-investigador. Proyecto InnovaChile 19BP-117312. Adaptación al cambio climático en la actividad forestal, productividad y reducción de impactos.
Convenios de investigación
Investigador principal. Desarrollo de una herramienta de simulación de volteo mecanizado y madereo con torre con carro garra en altas pendientes. Forestal Arauco S.A.
Otros proyectos de investigación
Co-Investigador responsable. Wood bioenergy for rural energy resilience. Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, Division of Biofuels. $49,840.
Co-Investigador responsable. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, $150,935. “Vertical and horizontal stand structure associated with silvicultural treatments in forested ecosystems of Eastern Kentucky: Response of Myotis bats during the staging and maternity seasons.”
Co-Investigador responsable. Central Appalachian Regional Education & Research Center (CARERC), University of Kentucky. $16,143. “Expanding and enhancing a web-based application to generate automated access routes from timber harvesting sites to emergency personnel locations to the state of Kentucky.”
Co-Investigador responsable. Central Appalachian Regional Education & Research Center (CARERC), University of Kentucky. $16,143. “Expanding and enhancing a web-based application to generate automated access routes from timber harvesting sites to emergency personnel locations to the state of Kentucky.”
Co-Investigador responsable. University of Louisville ENVPRI Internal Grant Program. $9,808. “The use of quadcopter UAVs for wildfire and prescribed fire monitoring and data collection.”
Investigador responsable. Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, Division of Biofuels. $2,500. PON2 127. “Support for the council on forest engineering meeting.”
Investigador responsable. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Research Activity Award $3,000. “Support for the council on forest engineering meeting.”
Co-Investigador responsable. Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, KSEF-3405-RDE-018. $30,000. “Forest modeling using airborne LiDAR.”
Co-Investigador responsable. Forestland Group LCC. $150,000. “Effect of silvicultural treatments on vertical stand structure in forested ecosystems of the Appalachian Mountain Region: Implications for foraging and roosting behavior of Myotis bats during the staging, maternity, and swarming seasons.”
Investigador responsable. Central Appalachian Regional Education & Research Center (CARERC), University of Kentucky. $9,638. “Developing a web-based application to generate automated access routes from timber harvesting sites to emergency personnel locations.”
Investigador responsable. McIntire-Stennis (KAES13-03). $90,492. “Evaluating the use of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) information to improve forest management decisions.”
Investigador responsable. US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) & University of Montana. $30,000. "OptFuels: Optimizing fuel treatment location at the landscape level.”